December 2, 2007

Fairies in the shop & at the ballet

I had the most beautiful weekend. We actually did our Christmas shopping on Saturday and it was surprisingly pain-free. It was probably because we had not really planned on going to the shops at all and just thought we would jump quickly into the Dundrum shopping centre to look for something completely different (and non X-massy). The shopping centre was of course crowded, but somehow it did not bother us at all. I almost accidentally found some lovely presents for my family. As I stood there in the shop, queuing to pay for my things I was amazed about how much people are buying this Christmas. One woman in front of me seemed to buy friendship books for the entire school class of her daughter. The daughter hovered around nearby ready to take her mother constant orders: “Get me another one of these friendship books now. Quick, quick!!! And now another one of those albums. Quick, it’s almost my turn. Not these ones, the pink ones with the little fairies.”
It was hilarious to watch. They did choose nice things. The school class should be delighted.

In the evening we went to see the ST Petersburg Ballet Theatre (SPBT). I am happy to report that there was a lot less eating in the audience this year. We almost did not make the show as our taxi was stuck in the city centre for 45 minutes and under heavy attack from the Christmas partying crowd. Luckily we just got there in time and enjoyed a wonderful evening. This time we were seated with a group of elderly ladies. Unfortunately they could not hear and see so well anymore. We just enjoyed a beautiful solo by one of the fairies when one of the women screamed: “What was that one doing again? This is not the fairy of goodness, is it?” “No, its not. I did tell you the story earlier.” Well, I forgot. I don’t like the look of this fairy. The other one was a lot nicer, but beautiful costumes.” “Yes the costumes are really great. I agree the other fairy was a lot better.”

Well we liked all the fairies. Aurora looked a bit like she had visited the dentist earlier in the day. Her smile seemed shock frozen on her face. Otherwise the St Petersburg Ballet Theatre was fantastic again.

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