April 5, 2010

Easter Impressions!

Easter weekend in Dublin. Free time! Time to reflect, time to enjoy and time to just be. In a few words magical and amazing...and no I did not buy an iPad :)

A lot of time was spent to catch up on sleep and get healthy. Then we caught the very end of the Easter Rising ceremony on Sunday (the very end where people went home, but we saw the planes).

We also spent time in one of my favourite places in Dublin: the Chester Beatty Library. They have a great exhibition on called "Telling Images of China". Really beautiful paintings describing plots that could also be taken straight from a modern soap opera:)

This Sunday was also my first encounter with the Smithfield horse market. I have heard a lot about this event and wanted to find out for myself what it's all about. I am not sure what to write about the event. Some of the things I saw made me feel really sad.