October 12, 2007

Beautiful Dublin

This month is just crazy. I just cannot find 5 minutes to write up a proper post for my beautiful blog. But let me assure you that all is well and there are loads of interesting topics going through my head.
I could of course write endless stories about the traffic, the weather, house prices (They are incredibly high. For a million euros I would want a house with a pool and not a smelly two bedroom flat that is a 1 hours drive away from the outskirts of Dublin), Irelands bad performance at the Rugby world championship (They were very bad, but I would not want to talk about it as it really did upset the whole country).
Then there are all these new exciting words that I have learned about:

Muffin tops (There are lots of them around here. They tend to go out in groups and make themselves heard before you get time to even spot them).

Yummy drummies – A fantastic word. If you have ever been in the Dundrum shopping centre there is no way that you will miss them. There are loads more. I hope I get a moment soon to write all this down. I wonder which subject you would like to read about the most? I am open to everything

Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Greymantledwolf said...

loving the blog thus far, Yummy drummies was all new to me!