May 24, 2008

Dancing through life

Life has been good, but at times a bit busy. Even after 2 years in this beautiful country it’s still hard to adapt to the work life at times.
The work hours are very different. Work starts later in the mornings than in Finland, which makes it hard to get out in good time.

For the first year I was busy catching up at work and forgot all about hobbies and socialising. Luckily these days are over. I now indulge regularly in taking dance classes and I really enjoy it. It’s a beautiful sensation to express myself again through my body. Dancing has done wonders for my spirits as well and also lifted the dark cloud of writer's block that was hanging over my head for a few months.

I am not quite ready to reach for the stars yet, but I am positively dancing through life!

1 comment:

clthini said...

Liebe Sybille, das ist gut zu lesen... :) Habe mich gerade gefragt, wie es Dir wohl geht. Schön! LG, Claudia